Archives: Sermons

2-28-21 Reminiscere

Bible Text: Matthew 15:21-28 | Preacher: Pastor Christian Preus | Series: Lent 2021 | The Holy Spirit tells us Jesus was in the region of Tyre and Sidon. The first thing we have to ask ourselves is why He’s there. Tyre and Sidon, if you know your geography, are north

February 28, 2021
The Holy Spirit tells us Jesus was in the region of Tyre and Sidon. The first thing we have to ask ourselves is why He’s there. Tyre and Sidon, if…

2-24-21 Baptism 1 (Lent Midweek)

Bible Text: Matthew 28:19 | Preacher: Pastor Christian Preus | Series: Lent 2021 | There is really no disagreement between the Baptists and Lutherans when it comes to the definition of Baptism. Or better put, you’re not going to find anyone who disagrees with Luther’s definition, “Baptism is not just

February 24, 2021
There is really no disagreement between the Baptists and Lutherans when it comes to the definition of Baptism. Or better put, you’re not going to find anyone who disagrees with…

2-21-21 Invocabit

Bible Text: Matthew 4:1-11 | Preacher: Pastor Christian Preus | Series: Lent 2021 | There is a character in one of Dostoevsky’s novels who finally convinces himself that God exists because he sees from the evil of the world that the devil must exist. The devil’s greatest lie has been

February 21, 2021
There is a character in one of Dostoevsky’s novels who finally convinces himself that God exists because he sees from the evil of the world that the devil must exist.…

2-17-21 Ash Wednesday

Bible Text: Matthew 6:16-21 | Preacher: Pastor Christian Preus | Series: Lent 2021 | Every Lent is a time to reassess our lives, the way we live, to realize that everything else is acting, an embarrassing show, except life lived under God and for heaven. This is what Jesus is

February 17, 2021
Every Lent is a time to reassess our lives, the way we live, to realize that everything else is acting, an embarrassing show, except life lived under God and for…

2-14-21 Quinquagesima

Bible Text: Luke 18:31-43 | Preacher: Pastor Andrew Richard | Series: Gesima 2021 | The Lenten season is approaching and we are making our annual pilgrimage up to Jerusalem where everything that is written about the Son of Man by the prophets has been accomplished. No longer is this saying

February 14, 2021
The Lenten season is approaching and we are making our annual pilgrimage up to Jerusalem where everything that is written about the Son of Man by the prophets has been…

2-7-21 Sexagesima

Bible Text: Luke 8:4-15 | Preacher: Pastor Christian Preus | Series: Gesima 2021 | When we think about power we usually think about force, about what we call active power, the power to compel and control. The government has power, because it has laws backed up with guns. And as

February 7, 2021
When we think about power we usually think about force, about what we call active power, the power to compel and control. The government has power, because it has laws…

1-31-21 Septuagesima

Bible Text: Matthew 20:1-16 | Preacher: Pastor Christian Preus | Series: Gesima 2021 | Jesus presents working in the vineyard as a privilege. What else are you going to do? Sit in the marketplace with nothing to do, worthlessly whiling away the time? And it is a privilege to work

January 31, 2021
Jesus presents working in the vineyard as a privilege. What else are you going to do? Sit in the marketplace with nothing to do, worthlessly whiling away the time? And…

1-24-21 Transfiguration

Bible Text: Matthew 17:1-9 | Preacher: Pastor Andrew Richard | Series: Epiphany 2021 | The season of Epiphany concludes today with the Transfiguration of our Lord. Throughout Epiphany we’ve been seeing more and more clearly who Jesus is. Today we hear the Father’s voice, once more identifying Jesus as his

January 24, 2021
The season of Epiphany concludes today with the Transfiguration of our Lord. Throughout Epiphany we’ve been seeing more and more clearly who Jesus is. Today we hear the Father’s voice,…

1-17-21 Epiphany 2

Bible Text: John 2:1-11 | Preacher: Pastor Christian Preus | Series: Epiphany 2021 | We’re used to saying that Jesus’ turning water into wine in Cana of Galilee was his first miracle. The King James even translates it this way: “this beginning of miracles did Jesus in Cana of Galilee.”

January 17, 2021
We’re used to saying that Jesus’ turning water into wine in Cana of Galilee was his first miracle. The King James even translates it this way: “this beginning of miracles…

1-10-21 The Baptism of Our Lord

Bible Text: Matthew 3:13-17 | Preacher: Pastor Christian Preus | Series: Epiphany 2021 | Jesus teaches us to value Baptism above everything in the world. It may seem silly, to so value water and words, to put so much stock in it, but then again, look at what the world

January 10, 2021
Jesus teaches us to value Baptism above everything in the world. It may seem silly, to so value water and words, to put so much stock in it, but then…
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