Series: Advent 2023

12-24-23 Rorate Coeli

Bible Text: John 1:19-28 | Preacher: Pastor Andrew Richard There are two views of the Christian life. According to the first, the importance of Jesus decreases in the Christian’s life over time, and according to the second, the importance of Jesus increases in the Christian’s life over time. Now the

December 24, 2023
Bible Text: John 1:19-28 | Preacher: Pastor Andrew Richard There are two views of the Christian life. According to the first, the importance of Jesus decreases in the Christian’s life…

12-17-23 Gaudete

Bible Text: Matthew 11:2-11 | Preacher: Pastor Christian Preus John the Baptist was no reed shaking in the wind, but he was grass, and the wind blows and the grass withers and the flower fades. He was a great preacher, a great prophet, more than a prophet, the One who

December 17, 2023
Bible Text: Matthew 11:2-11 | Preacher: Pastor Christian Preus John the Baptist was no reed shaking in the wind, but he was grass, and the wind blows and the grass…

12-10-23 Populus Zion

Bible Text: Luke 21:25-36 | Preacher: Pastor Christian Preus Heaven and earth will pass away, Jesus says. This means that what you see and taste and feel and smell is going to pass away, the stuff of this earth, the lakes, the mountains, the sky above you, the sun, the

December 10, 2023
Bible Text: Luke 21:25-36 | Preacher: Pastor Christian Preus Heaven and earth will pass away, Jesus says. This means that what you see and taste and feel and smell is…
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