O Lord, Thy Yoke Is Light (Hymn)

Come to Me, all you who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart...

I wrote the text for this hymn and Mr. Hahn wrote the tune and the arrangement. It’s a Cross and Comfort hymn based on Matthew 11:28-30, “Come to Me, all you who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For My yoke is easy and My burden is light.”

In Christ,
Pastor Richard

  1. O Lord, Thy yoke is light.
    Though it may press me,
    Thou wilt bless me,
    For to Thee it joins me tight.
    Despite the trials that I bear
    I have no fear or worry,
    For Thou dost pull the greater share.
  2. O Lord, Thy yoke is light.
    I should be lying,
    Crushed and dying,
    ’Neath my sins and feel Thee smite,
    But Thou in love didst take my place;
    The load of my transgressions
    Thou tradest with me for Thy grace.
  3. O Lord, my yoke was grave;
    But Thou didst take it,
    Die to break it,
    Give Thy life, my life to save.
    Oh, keep Thy wounds before my sight,
    For faith doth hide within them
    And learn in them: Thy yoke is light.
  4. O Lord, Thy yoke is light.
    Though all around me
    Devils hound me,
    Yet I laugh and feel no fright,
    For Thou hast borne away my sin;
    No weight of accusation
    Can crush the peace I have within.
  5. O Lord, Thy yoke is light.
    The Foe doth hate me
    And would weight me
    Down with yokes that hurt and bite;
    But from them Thou hast set me free,
    So why would I take Satan’s
    When I have peace and rest with Thee?
  6. O Lord, Thy yoke is light.
    Oh, keep me humble;
    Make me stumble
    Should I ever trust my might.
    On Thee have I been cast from birth
    And have no strength to boast of
    But Thee, my Helper here on earth.
  7. O Lord, Thy yoke is light.
    Forgive my grumbling
    When I’m stumbling,
    Laden down with my own spite.
    Thou hast into my empty cup
    Poured from Thy side Thy lifeblood;
    Content me, then, and lift me up.
  8. O Lord, Thy yoke is light.
    When I am weary
    Thou dost cheer me,
    Though around us still be night;
    For on the cross Thou showest me
    Thou canst bring good from darkness,
    Since darkness is as light with Thee.
  9. O Lord, Thy yoke is light,
    Which makes me bolder,
    Then, to shoulder
    Fellow Christians in their plight.
    Thy yoke doth bind Thy saints in one,
    And brother helpeth brother
    By Thee, our Strength, till work be done.
  10. O Lord, Thy yoke is light,
    And I beseech Thee,
    Jesus, teach me
    Here to bear my cross aright;
    Then put all trials in the past,
    Conclude our burden-bearing,
    And bring us to Thy rest at last.

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