Preacher: Pastor Andrew Richard

4-14-22 Maundy Thursday

Bible Text: John 13:1-15, John 13:34-35 | Preacher: Pastor Andrew Richard | Series: Lent 2022 | This day is called Maundy Thursday. The word “Maundy” comes from the Latin word mandatum, which means “commandment,” because on this day Jesus said, “A new commandment I give to you, that you love

April 14, 2022
Bible Text: John 13:1-15, John 13:34-35 | Preacher: Pastor Andrew Richard | Series: Lent 2022 | This day is called Maundy Thursday. The word “Maundy” comes from the Latin word…

3-20-22 Oculi

Bible Text: Luke 11:14-28 | Preacher: Pastor Andrew Richard | Series: Lent 2022 | So far the season of Lent has revolved around Jesus’ conflict with the devil. The first Sunday in Lent Jesus was tempted by the devil and overcame. Last Sunday Jesus healed the Canaanite woman’s daughter, who

March 20, 2022
Bible Text: Luke 11:14-28 | Preacher: Pastor Andrew Richard | Series: Lent 2022 | So far the season of Lent has revolved around Jesus’ conflict with the devil. The first…

2-13-22 Septuagesima

Bible Text: Matthew 20:1-16 | Preacher: Pastor Andrew Richard | Series: Gesima 2022 | In Matthew 19, a chapter before today’s Gospel reading, Jesus spoke with a rich young man. The young man asked, “What good deed must I do to have eternal life?” Well, if it’s a question of

February 13, 2022
Bible Text: Matthew 20:1-16 | Preacher: Pastor Andrew Richard | Series: Gesima 2022 | In Matthew 19, a chapter before today’s Gospel reading, Jesus spoke with a rich young man.…

1-9-22 Epiphany

Bible Text: Matthew 2:1-12 | Preacher: Pastor Andrew Richard | Series: Epiphany 2022 | “When they saw the star, they rejoiced exceedingly with great joy.” Today the joy of Christmas gives way to the joy of Epiphany. The word Epiphany means “appearing.” It means that something is now seen or

January 9, 2022
Bible Text: Matthew 2:1-12 | Preacher: Pastor Andrew Richard | Series: Epiphany 2022 | “When they saw the star, they rejoiced exceedingly with great joy.” Today the joy of Christmas…

12-15-21 The Millennium (Advent Midweek 3)

Bible Text: Revelation 20:1-21:7 | Preacher: Pastor Andrew Richard | Series: Advent 2021 | As we near the end of the season of Advent and prepare to receive our King at Christmas, we do well to consider what our King’s reign is like. There are many misunderstandings about the reign

December 15, 2021
Bible Text: Revelation 20:1-21:7 | Preacher: Pastor Andrew Richard | Series: Advent 2021 | As we near the end of the season of Advent and prepare to receive our King…

11-28-21 Ad Te Levavi

Bible Text: Matthew 21:1-9 | Preacher: Pastor Andrew Richard | Series: Advent 2021 | Another Church year begins, and we hear once more how Christ came to Jerusalem two thousand years ago. Certainly this was not the only time Jesus has come to man. Jesus was gracious enough to come

November 28, 2021
Bible Text: Matthew 21:1-9 | Preacher: Pastor Andrew Richard | Series: Advent 2021 | Another Church year begins, and we hear once more how Christ came to Jerusalem two thousand…

11-7-21 All Saints

Bible Text: Revelation 7:9-17 | Preacher: Pastor Andrew Richard | Series: All Saints | The world claims to be very reasonable. It boasts in science, facts, empirical evidence, and says it will only believe something if it can be proven. The world claims to be very reasonable. Yet how unreasonable

November 7, 2021
Bible Text: Revelation 7:9-17 | Preacher: Pastor Andrew Richard | Series: All Saints | The world claims to be very reasonable. It boasts in science, facts, empirical evidence, and says…

10-3-21 Trinity 18

Bible Text: Matthew 22:34-46 | Preacher: Pastor Andrew Richard | Series: Trinity 2021 | The Pharisees approach Jesus insincerely. They want to catch him in his words and kill him, and they don’t care a bit about learning something from him. But he who has an ear, let him hear,

October 3, 2021
Bible Text: Matthew 22:34-46 | Preacher: Pastor Andrew Richard | Series: Trinity 2021 | The Pharisees approach Jesus insincerely. They want to catch him in his words and kill him,…

8-29-21 Trinity 13

Bible Text: Luke 10:23-37 | Preacher: Pastor Andrew Richard | Series: Trinity 2021 | For thousands of years the people of God had prophecies about Christ and foreshadows of his coming, but did not see the fulfillment. Adam and Eve knew that God would send a Savior to defeat the

August 29, 2021
Bible Text: Luke 10:23-37 | Preacher: Pastor Andrew Richard | Series: Trinity 2021 | For thousands of years the people of God had prophecies about Christ and foreshadows of his…

7-18-21 Trinity 7

Bible Text: Mark 8:1-9 | Preacher: Pastor Andrew Richard | Series: Trinity 2021 | There’s a particular Scripture passage that comes to mind when we think of the events of today’s Gospel reading, and it has come to mind for many people throughout the Church’s history. Here you have a

July 18, 2021
Bible Text: Mark 8:1-9 | Preacher: Pastor Andrew Richard | Series: Trinity 2021 | There’s a particular Scripture passage that comes to mind when we think of the events of…
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