The Chief Failings of Communism
Man’s heart is naturally full of envy, ambition and avarice. These are all wild beasts which abide in the natural man, and which the communist will never be able to control with his new social arrangements.
Man’s heart is naturally full of envy, ambition and avarice. These are all wild beasts which abide in the natural man, and which the communist will never be able to control with his new social arrangements.
Before education starts, what is good must be completely certain. Giving children an education without knowing first what goodness is can only produce disaster.
Buxtehude’s Abendmusiken exemplified a godly and selfless endeavor to edify the neighbors nearest to him, caring far more about his music and his people than how much he would be compensated or how far his fame might spread, or even whether the music would last.
When we draw something in creation, we are imitating in a small, imperfect way the creative work of God.