Vivaldi’s The Four Seasons
The Four Seasons was published in 1725 as a set of concerti that included a series of poems with specific imagery for each season.
The Four Seasons was published in 1725 as a set of concerti that included a series of poems with specific imagery for each season.
Kuhnau’s “The Combat Between David and Goliath” is rich in text painting and theological insight.
Little indeed are the hopes of ever equalling, much less of excelling so vast a Proficient in his own way…
Why should the Church ever sound like the world? People don’t need more of the world; they need Jesus. Instead, the Church should sound unlike the world.
Buxtehude’s Abendmusiken exemplified a godly and selfless endeavor to edify the neighbors nearest to him, caring far more about his music and his people than how much he would be compensated or how far his fame might spread, or even whether the music would last.
As Christians, we meditate on what is lovely, and we seek to look on the beauty of the Lord. Therefore, we occupy ourselves with objectively beautiful things.
May the true God, in these afflicted times of late, let His holy, pure, true Word live abundantly in the churches, the schools, and with each father in his home…
Enjoy the treasures of our Lutheran choral music. They are for you.
Walter set a standard of excellence in Lutheran choral composition that influenced many composers after him, and he is responsible for several of the tunes that are found in Lutheran hymnals.
“Therefore, as long as any breath remains in me, I will not refrain from doing good to my neighbor and serving him with the talent God has bestowed upon me.”