Christian Catechesis in the Classroom
It is imperative in any Christian school that catechesis be the central part of education because God’s Word and Sacraments should be the wellspring of all we teach our students.
It is imperative in any Christian school that catechesis be the central part of education because God’s Word and Sacraments should be the wellspring of all we teach our students.
Having the wisdom and favor of the Lord is worth more than all skills, all academic degrees, all worldly knowledge. Seek to educate children as Christians…
The Christian view of the Christian student is that he is simul iustus et peccator, simultaneously saint and sinner. Educating this Christian according to his nature, we instruct him in God’s Word, teach him virtue and vice, and give him the knowledge and skills necessary to be of service to the world wherever he is needed.
What is the goal of education? Not the acquisition of Mammon. The goal of education is Fides ad Deum, Charitas ad Vicinum, faith toward God, love toward the neighbor. Or as John Chrysostom very nicely sums it up: Χριστιανὸν αὐτὸν ποίησον: Make him a Christian.